Free Unlock Iphone
This is about how to unlock iphone thought hardware. This iphone unlocking method is found by genius George Hotz.
You can understand that how hard he worked for this iphone unlocking. Before applying this method, make sure you may break your iphone. Me or george are not responsible for this. For doing this unlocking iphone, you require basic software knowledge, some iphone assembling and soldering.
Unlock iphone step 1
First remove the case of iphone. Generally there are three screw and aluminum case at the back side of iphone. Different iphone have different assembling so read service manual for your model. Remove the cable that connects iphone to the case. If you are sure then only continue or leave this iphone unlocking.
Step 2
Now remove the metal cover that is over the pcb board of iphone. If you are confident, than disorder the battery red lead.
Unlock iphone hardest step tricking the Chip
As in the picture read line is showing A17 track and arrow indicate 1.8v line. This is the hardest step in entire unlock iphone procedure. Now with the multimeter probe scrape away at the trace A17. Then solder a very thin wire to A17 track. Be careful only scrape slightly at the solder mask. By doing this you can extend A17 track so do not break the track. Also solder another wire to the 1.8v line.
Connect wire coming from the trace and the wire coming from the 1.8v to your unlock switch.
Step 4
Test the Soldering
Now check your soldering is proper or not. Check continuity with multimeter to make sure wires are not shorting to ground or to each other. Make sure switch is off.
Power up your iPhone, if soldering is not proper then iphone will burn up.
Now go into minicom to tty.baseband and send a few commands, AT a few times will do. It should respond OK. Now flip your switch, the baseband should stop responding. Even when you flip it back, the baseband still shouldn't respond. Be sure your switch is off, then open another ssh and run "bbupdater -v" You can get bbupdater off the ramdisk. This should reset the baseband, and minicom should start working again. If it did this, your soldering is most likely good, and you are ready to actually start unlocking your phone!!!